Family God Moments

Our Family’s Journey to Find God in the Everyday

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Food: Gifts received, gifts given

One of the best things to come out of this Covid world, at least for our family: Food! I wrote about the enjoyment of meal-time in my post back in July (Gathering for food: the sacred becomes the routine), but this will be a little different. I want to focus on the enjoyment of the food itself.

While working from home, I’ve had the time and flexibility in my work day to prepare or help prepare more meals for (and with) my family than ever before. Preparing good food – especially when paired with a good wine – brings me so much pleasure! Continue reading


My God is so great, while the chaos persists…

I am in a rut – haven’t written a thing in 11 weeks. How is it that I can both simultaneously yearn to write while at the same time simply dread putting pen to paper (figuratively speaking of course)?! 

With such a lengthy break from my commitment to muse and write and share, I should come back with something marvelous, right? Yet I feel just as confused and uncertain as ever. When I ended my last post back on July 5, I promised to start writing again after Labor Day. (I suppose I kept that promise…) I wrote “Who knows what might be happening in the world by then… Not knowing is unsettling. Continue reading