Family God Moments

Our Family’s Journey to Find God in the Everyday


The Blessings we take for granted

I was searching for an old picture on my phone late this week, and found myself spending hours watching videos of my kids when they were younger. It is surreal – I barely remember being the parent of a toddler. I think some of that is blocked out on purpose, and some we just can’t remember because we were so tired! It was SO much more work, but holy cow were they adorable! Continue reading


Thankfully, some things don’t change!

I had an outline started for a writing to share this week. It was headed into a sort of “gloomy reality” direction, and I just did not want to put that out into the world today. (I’ll set it aside for another week. Get excited for that!)

Today, my husband and I are celebrating our 17th wedding anniversary. When we were first married, 17 years felt so, so far away – but these years have gone by so quickly. (A cliché sentiment, I know…) It is surreal to reflect on the many highs and the occasional lows we have experienced within these 17 years. But I can say with certainty that my husband is the perfect partner for me, and I am beyond blessed that we get to go through this life together. I am blessed that we are able to parent together. I am blessed that we get to figure out our call to walk in faith together. It is easy to take these things for granted, so for today I just want to pause and be thankful.

So I am cheating, and sharing again a post I wrote back in 2014:  A Blessed Marriage: When faith is the foundation

Please read it! I shared: “I am thankful – beyond words grateful – for my husband. For how he loves me, loves our children, loves our God.” It is a true reflection – even more today than it was 6 years ago when I wrote it. For that constant in my life, I am sincerely grateful, beyond words!

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A Time of Unknowing

One of my biggest concerns when I started to write again was lack of creative content. I am home. All. The. Time! Fewer interactions in the world, fewer in-person engagement. There are fewer surprises, or unexpected ways I can see God at work in the world. Without them, I fall back on the same questions and the same anxiety. I’m tired – tired of the evil, tired of the division, tired of the powerful forces which seem to push us further apart and feed inequality. Why, God? When and How? What the heck do you have planned for us and when do we get to see some good come from this messy reality? Continue reading


Gathering for food: the sacred becomes routine

One of the primary benefits of being stuck at home, and one of the strangest shifts in reality as the world shut down back in March, was the ability to eat meals together at home as a family. To try new recipes, savor meal preparation together, better engage the kids in the planning, preparation and (most importantly) clean-up.

At the beginning, I remember counting out our meals in a state of wonder: that’s 6 meals in a row together at our table! Then, 10 meals in a row, then 15! Then you stop counting as it becomes the “new normal.” For a long time we actually tracked all of our lunch and dinner plans in a little book – it helped us to plot out new recipes, strategize our limited grocery store visits, and challenge us to avoid duplication. Continue reading


“Completing” a task which is never truly complete

I completed the last course for the certificate program last week, four years in the making. Let’s revisit… what is a “Certificate?”

A certificate from Wartburg Seminary demonstrates either basic or advanced mastery in a specialized area of ministry or theological studies… This certificate is earned by the completion of eight courses, taught in a combination of online and on-campus intensive courses, covering Bible, church history, theology, and electives. Continue reading


Deeper Still

First thing tomorrow morning, bright and early at 8:00 am, I begin the very last class for my 8-course online Certificate in Theological Studies. My final class is an introductory study of the Hebrew Bible. The goal, as written in our syllabus: To assist students in entering the delightfully diverse and expansive conversations of the Hebrew Bible in order to grow in their own understanding of biblical faith and to gain resources to continue the living biblical conversation in their places of ministry. This final class was intended to be live – in person within the walls of Wartburg Seminary! It is actually meant to be taken early during the Certificate program but I pushed it out, finding it difficult to commit to one full week away from home. Continue reading

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To Abide: a Passive or Active State

In a weekly zoom bible study this week, those little boxes on my screen filled with smiling faces spent time exploring the word “abide.” I had considered the topic myself for quite some time but had nothing insightful to add. So, I stayed silent the entire conversation – which left me uneasy, unsure if my musings had any purpose. Continue reading

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A big responsibility for changing times

It is a challenge to find the right words to share at this moment. The “right words” do not exist. There are memes and social media posts and news articles out there which have said it all, expressing the confusion and fears we all cope with. I’ve got nothing to add. So please – no expectations of any great insight here!

But writing soothes me; helps me to make sense of my own thoughts and feelings in uncertain times. There are many things I cannot do now, but writing and posting online is not one of them! Continue reading

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A Belief Statement

Sitting around the dinner table the other night, my kids began to recite the Apostle’s Creed. I don’t remember how it began – one started to speak: I believe in God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. Then in unison they continued: I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord. Continue reading